LIVING SOILS EXTRAVAGANZA! Build Soil. Build Community.
SOIL IS ALIVE! Saturday, March 2cd: 1-4pm, WildHeart Farm, Rimrock, AZ Instructor: Kate Watters Kate Watters of Wild Heart Farm will share strategies for boosting soil health--including: no-till methods, cover crops, testing and responding, homegrown amendments and fertility (KNF and biodynamic). Cost: Suggested donation (pay what you can) $35-$60; Free to enrolled NAU Permaculture Students, space limited. Register: |
Friday, March 29: 4pm-6pm, NAU Geology Building # Instructor: Eli Bajalia Join us in the lab to learn more about the science of living soils! Participants will learn about how to build soils through a 30-40 minute lecture followed by hands on learning in the lab. Students will learn to identify fungi and bacterial levels using a microscope and discuss what those results mean for growing more productively in the garden. Cost: Suggested Donation (pay what you can) $20-$40; Free to enrolled NAU Permaculture Students, space limited. Register: |
FEED THE WORMS (and soil life!)
Saturday, March 30: 1pm-4pm, Orchard Canyon Lodge, Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona Instructor: Eli Bajalia Learn how to develop your own microbial inoculants for use with your seed starts and in the garden. Participants will review the history of soil amending practices at Orchard Canyon Lodge and learn about different strategies for continuing to build healthy soils for both annuals and perennials. Cost: Suggested Donation (pay what you can) $35- $60; Free to enrolled NAU Permaculture Students; space limited. Register: For more information about other exciting offerings coming from Kate Watters at WildHeart Farm visit and to learn more about soil testing services with Eli Bajalia, visit Event Sponsors: |